
Events/Special Updates|活動/特殊報告

Link to registration:





- A born-again Christian, baptized, who shows evidence of a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and love for the teaching in the Bible
- Have a growing heart to follow Christ by serving in mission
- Active TCBC congregation member (prior to STM application), regularly attending TCBC for more than 2 years, with endorsement from 1 pastor of TCBC 
- Ability to have conversations in Chinese is not required, but would be helpful 
- At least 18 years of age


- 重生得救且受過洗禮的基督徒,與耶穌基督之間有明確得救的關係,熱愛聖經的教導

- 有心志透過宣教來跟隨基督

- 申請前即是多倫多華人浸信會活躍會友,有超過兩年的固定參加多浸聚會,並有一位教牧成員作為背書

- 中文能力非強制性要求,但是會在短宣過程中提供幫助

- 年滿18歲

Toronto receives over 40% of Canada's refugee claimants arriving annually but a lack of refugee-specific shelters leaves many vulnerable to homelessness and exploitation.

Matthew House is a welcoming community that offers a range of support services to help refugee claimants establish new lives in Canada.  This includes: Shelter, Settlement Support, and Community Transitions. They are celebrating their 25th anniversary in 2023!

TCBC Mission Department would like to encourage all fellowships to take up serving this vulnerable population with love and hospitality. Let’s cook a meal and dine together! They will have a special celebration on Dec 16th for 40 people, and are looking for churches to provide parts of the meal. If you or your fellowship are interested partnering with Matthew House, please contact Rong Shan Liu at mission@tcbc.on.ca to sign up.




Missionary/Mission Organization Updates

We are exploring ways to share missionary updates in newsletter format for so that we can all be informed and partner with them in prayer. Please find the updates in the Mission Department blog: https://www.tcbc.on.ca/mission-blog

Missionary updates fromJesse and Priscilla, Aaron and Ying, Lily, Dennis and Evangeline, Tim and Regie, and Rebecca.

Resources | 資源

Langham Partnership exists to see churches in the Majority World equipped for mission and growing to maturity in Christ through the ministry of pastors and leaders who believe, teach and live by the Word of God. Again this year, Langham International has prepared a book of Advent readings, each one written by a Langham Scholar or worker ministering in the Majority World. I trust this year's book will help deepen our awe and gratitude for the miracle of Christmas.  

We are making it available in e-format so that you can make this available to members of your missions committee and church leadership. 

Langham Partnership致力於協助發展中國家的教會得到裝備,能夠在使命和在基督裡的成長上越發成熟。參與事工的傳道人和領袖相信、教導、並且活出神的話語。今年,Langham International再次為將臨期編寫了一本靈修材料,每一篇都是由一位在發展中國家事奉的學者或同工撰寫。我相信今年的這本書將有助於加深我們對聖誕這一神蹟的敬畏和感恩。



  • To provide the Church with updated information on local and global missions/mission fields

  • To liaise with the supporting missionaries and mission organizations

  • To promote and facilitate participation in mission work

  • To support theological and missional training, and

  • To administer the Mission Fund.

Scope of Mission Department

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