
Events/Special Updates|活動/特殊報告

From Panama Short-Term Mission Team:

We (Ran and Cissy) are preparing for our mission trip to Panama from Feb 16 - 22.  In this opportunity, we are planning to serve in:

  • Two seniors programs in the capital city of Panama, collaborating with local Chinese-Panamanian churches

  • Three remote villages in the mountain areas of the Cocle Province, also collaborating with local churches in the area

There will be both a medical and evangelical component to the visits, together with sharing our testimonies

As previous years, this will be a joint mission trip with Boston's City Light, a Ministry of CBCGB.  Boston's team consists of 8 ppl (5 adults, 3 teens). Attending from our church will be myself and Cissy Ho's family (2 adults, 3 kids/teen).


  • 與巴拿馬本地的華人教會合作舉辦2次在巴拿馬首都的長者醫療及佈道活動

  • 與偏遠地區Cocle省當地教會合作舉辦3次醫療及佈道活動



Itinerary 行程安排::

Cambodia Short-Term Mission Team Daily Newsletter


  • Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    We are happy to share that this evening our mission team has arrived safely in Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia. Praise God that It has been a smooth trip and a joyful reunion as we met with our dear missionary friends, whose warm welcome has been a true blessing.

    Tomorrow morning, pastor 陳好 will be driving us to Pursat holy mountain, where we will stay for a couple of days to spend time with the kids and locals. We are grateful for the opportunity to reconnect and to share the love of God. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please continue to lift us up as we embark on this mission together.


    Cambodia STM Team

    第一日 - 11月22日 - 金邊



    明天早上,陳好傳道將開車帶領我們前往菩薩省的聖山。我們將在那裡停留幾天,與當地的孩子和居民接觸。感謝神賜下機會讓我們能夠與當地同工一齊服事, 去分享神的愛。感謝大家的代禱和支持。讓我們繼續仰望神,在這次宣教旅程中我們一起同行。



  • Dear brothers and sisters,

    We thank God for a sunny day full of gratitude and surprises.

    On our journey from Phnom Penh to Holy Mountain, we were amazed by Cambodia’s rapid changes. A new highway has reduced travel time from eight hours to four. More excitingly, the Holy Mountain Church expansion has made significant progress. What was an empty plot two years ago is now a nearly completed church building, offering better worship and accommodation spaces, as well as an educational center for local children and youth to grow in body, mind, and spirit, experiencing Christ’s love.

    We are especially grateful to be able to stay in the new dormitory this time, as we have witnessed God’s miraculous guidance in bringing everything into being from nothing. Dc Phillip contributed much to the design of the building and we hope to support further progress during our time here. The project reflects remarkable faith and grace, and we look forward to sharing more with you upon our return.

    Tomorrow, we’ll worship with Holy Mountain Church and engage the children with Bible stories and crafts. Please pray for our health and adjustment to the time and weather.


    Cambodia STM Team

    第2日 - 11月23日 - 聖山



    在從金邊到聖山的一路上,我們感慨於柬埔寨這兩年來的巨大變化。在外資的幫助下,通往 普薩市的高速公路已經建成,使城鄉的交通便利了許多。上次短宣隊到訪時,原本需要八小時的路程,這次只需四小時左右就能抵達。






  • Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    Today, we worshipped with about 45 children in the village. Led by Pastor 柬僑 and co-workers, we danced, sang, and praised together. It was touching to see a girl who used to sing along from the audience two years ago now leading worship dance on stage. Afterward, we performed a Bible story and enjoyed craft time with the kids.

    In the afternoon, we packed around 500 Christmas gifts for village children with the church team, while the brothers built a manger for the Christmas celebration.

    During the evening adult fellowship, villagers sang local worship songs, and Annisa shared her testimony. Despite the burden of farming debts making it difficult for many villagers to embrace the gospel, the co-workers continue their ministry with faith and love. May God bless the seeds being sown.

    Though the village experienced a long power outage today, we are grateful for a fruitful day. Tomorrow, we’ll host a children’s ministry and evangelistic meeting. Thank you for your prayers!


    Cambodia STM Team

    第3日 - 11月24日 - 聖山








  • Dear brothers and sisters,

    This morning, we set out at 7 AM to visit a nearby elementary school for an evangelistic meeting with 110 students, we sang hymns, listened to Bible stories, and prayed together. Whether it was for the first time or a return trip to Cambodia, the brothers and sisters were deeply moved by the innocent and pure-hearted children. It is such a blessing for these children to have the opportunity to invite Jesus into their hearts at such a young age.

    On our way back, we visited the wife of the village chief, who is severely ill and struggles to eat and sleep. Despite her illness, she joyfully shared with us that her 7-year-old grandson prays for her every morning. Over the past few years, seeing the establishment of the Holy Mountain Church, the dedication of the Pastor Jianqiao and the missionaries workers prepare fertile soil sowing the seeds of the Gospel. More and more people in the small village are coming to believe in the Lord and rooting their lives in Jesus Christ. We hope the village of Holy Mountain will become a beacon of light for this region with more than 40 nearby villages.

    In the evening, our short-term mission team had the rare opportunity to fellowship with the Cambodian coworkers. Pastor Jianqiao and Pastor Chen Hao each shared their testimonies of coming to faith and their vision for ministry. Below are their prayer requests, their more detailed sharings to be published in The Vineyard.

    Pastor Jianqiao:

    1) Pray for the vision of Holy Mountain’s ministry in 2025, specifically for the very first Sunday worship service at Holy Mountain Church on Easter Sunday 2025.

    2) Pray for wisdom from our Lord for Jianqiao ministering to the villagers.

    Pastor Chen Hao:

    1) Pray for the Lord to raise up more workers to expand His kingdom.

    2) Pray for the Lord to open doors so that schools in all 25 provinces of Cambodia have at least one evangelistic meeting


    Cambodia Short-Term Mission Team

    第4天 - 11月25日 - 聖山



    回程的時候我們去看望了村長的太太,她被嚴重的疾病困擾 很難進食和休息。她很高興的與我們分享她7歲的小孫子每天早上都為她的病禱告。看到這兩年多來聖山教會的建立,通過柬僑傳道和一眾同工創造好的土壤 播種福音的種子,小村莊為越來越多人信主,紮根在耶穌基督裏。希望聖山的村落能成為附近40多個小村莊的燈塔。










  • Dear brothers and sisters,

    Today marks our third day on the Holy Mountain. The Cambodian coworkers have been showcasing their talents, treating us to incredibly delicious meals. This morning's breakfast was salted fried fish prepared by Sister Bopah, served with rice porridge.

    In the morning, we visited a primary school in another village for an evangelistic gathering. The school has over 300 students. We sang and danced with the children, sharing Jesus' love with them, hoping to plant the seeds of the Gospel in their hearts. The school building was expanded in 2007, but now the roof of the old classrooms has large holes. When it rains, students cannot attend classes. We also hope to do something to repair their roofs.

    On our way back, Pastor Chen Hao shared that the principal of the school we visited yesterday hopes to build a rural road directly connecting the school to the Holy Mountain Church. This would make it easier for students in that village to reach our church. Praise the Lord for “opening road and making way”! Though we’ve only been on the Holy Mountain for a few days, we have witnessed so many God’s wondrous works.

    In the afternoon, we surveyed the area where the rural road could be built. Many of the mission team members sat in the back of a pickup truck as we drove down the dusty rural road, giving everyone a chance to experience being truly “covered in dust.”

    Life on the Holy Mountain is simple and beautiful. Each day, we share in devotionals, sleep early, and wake up to watch the sunrise. Knowing we will leave soon, brought up a bit of sadness. We'll surely miss everything here.


    Cambodia Short-Term Mission Team

    第5天 - 11月26日 - 聖山









  • Dear brothers and sisters,

    Today, we visited five families near Holy Mountain, they are families that Pastor Jian Qiao is targeting to spread gospel recently. He has been sharing the message of salvation through Jesus Christ with the villagers little by little over the past two years. This work has been tough because the villagers believe in many deities, making it difficult for true conversion. Through weekly Bible studies, children's worship, evening youth language classes, and long-term care, Pastor Jian Qiao has built strong bonds with the villagers. However, as a missionary living in Holy Mountain is not easy. Please pray for him to be strengthened and courageous as he continue to help build God's kingdom.

    Among the families we visited, one was led by a woman named Ong. She cares for two young children on her own—one in second grade and the other in kindergarten—because her husband works away from home and only returns once a year. Her family rents a piece of farmland to sustain themselves, managing farm work such as growing rice, cassava, and raising chickens earning only $250 USD a year. Since her home is far from the village, despite how exhausted Ong is, she still transport her children back and forth to school every day. Jesus promised, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Pray that through Pastor Jian Qiao and the co-workers on Holy Mountain, the true and living Word of Christ will take root in the hearts of the villagers.

    During our trip, we had the chance to ride a tractor for the first time. It was an unique experience. Although the ride was bumpy, everyone was in awe by the beautiful countryside scenery of Cambodia.

    We had planned a children’s craft activity after Sunday service in Phnom Penh but had to adjust when the event turned into an outdoor evangelistic gathering. Instead, we used the materials to create nearly 200 “Jesus Loves You” cards as gifts for the children. Despite the challenge of working overnight amidst local insects, we were united and filled with God’s joy, hoping to share His love and joy through these small gifts.


    Cambodia Short-Term Mission Team

    第6天 - 11月27日 - 聖山



    我們探望其中的家庭有一個女主人Ong, 她一個人照顧兩個小孩,一個就讀二年級一個還在幼兒園,她的丈夫長年在外打工,一年才回一次家。他們一家需要租地去耕種來維持生計,一年只有$250美元來養家。他們的家離村很遠,Ong需要每天接送他的兒女上下課。還要照顧農務種稻米,種木薯,養雞,真的很辛勞。耶穌曾應許「凡勞苦擔重擔的人可以到我這裏來,我就使你們得安息。」。求主通過柬僑和聖山的同工讓基督又真又活的道紮根在村民的心裡。





  • Leaving Holy Mountain, we were reluctant to part with the peace and simplicity of rural life. The natural beauty, the starry skies, the laughter of children, and even simple meals like salted fish congee became precious memories of God’s presence and blessings. What we will miss the most are the wonderful coworkers. After we leave, only the Pastor Jian and Brother Chany will remain to serve long-term at the Holy Mountain Church. Despite his mobility challenges, Chany is blessed with musical talent and a beautiful voice, which the local children love. Chany also helps teaching the locals English. Though usually quiet, Chany played the guitar and sang hymns with us the night before we left. May God bless his faith and service.

    The local missionary is very grateful for everyone’s prayers, as they greatly support their lives and ministry. May God’s grace continue to be with them, and may we keep them in our prayers. Though far apart, they are not alone as we all serve together in God’s Kingdom.

    After breakfast, our “superwoman”Pastor Chen drove us to Phnom Penh. The journey from the quiet countryside to the bustling capital was an eye-opening experience. We marveled at Cambodia’s rapid development and the vibrant life of this young nation, where the average age is under 26. The challenges in Phnom Penh are different from those in rural areas, but we trust God to guide us as we adapt and continue sharing His unchanging love.

    We are grateful to stay in the newly renovated dormitory at the CMI office, which was under construction during our last visit two years ago. Though simple, it feels as comfortable as a hotel, and the warm hospitality of our coworkers has made it feel like home. We are thankful for their preparation and look forward to the work God has prepared for us in Phnom Penh.


    Cambodia STM Team

    第7日 - 11月29日 - 聖山/金邊



    早飯後,我們的”女超人”陳好傳道開車帶我們離開聖山回金邊。從農村進城,對於隊員來說一路上都是新奇的體驗。我們嘗試了當地的食物,看見短短兩年城市的變化,不禁感嘆柬埔寨發展的迅速。這是個年輕的國家,平均年齡不到26歲。隨著經濟的開放,他們能更多的接觸到外界的文化和信息。金邊作為首都,環境更是豐富繁華。在這邊生活的人們面對的挑戰和困難跟農村的很不一樣,也求主帶領我們去適應融入這個新的環境。雖然將面對不同福音群體,主的愛是不變的。 願聖靈預備人心,祝福接下來這幾天在金邊的事工。




  • Today, we visited the Unity Foundation School, started by two sisters, Siyuan and Liuyuan. Spreading the gospel here is challenging, but God gave them the vision to share His word through the school, helping children grow in faith. They plan to build a new campus, expand from 180 to 500 students. Liuyuan shared how, despite starting with only a few thousand dollars, God miraculously provided over $100,000 for acquiring the land for the new campus within days. Please pray for the construction and funding, asking God to bless the students here.

    Liuyuan’s testimony deeply moved us. Her father initially opposed her faith, fearing persecution, but she remained steadfast, even leaving home to follow Christ. In Cambodia, she faced trials but grew in faith, eventually leading her father and sister to Christ. Before her father passed, he encouraged her to prioritize ministry. Her faith reflects the verse: “Some trust in chariots and others in horses, but we depend on the LORD our God.” (Psalm 20:7).

    In the evening, we joined the Baracha Youth Fellowship. Years ago, the villagers asked Pastor Chen Hao to bring their youth to the city, but the cost of urban accommodation was prohibitive. Thus, the Baracha Dormitory Ministry was established to provide affordable housing for university students from low-income families, charging only a nominal rent. Among them are both believers and non-believers. Besides attending the weekly fellowship, they also participate in Sunday worship services and a monthly outreach ministry on Holy Mountain.

    Many students must work part-time after classes to support their families, so the fellowship meetings begin as late as 9 PM. During this evening’s gathering, Peter and Charlotte led a Bible study, with Bunny translating for them. Despite the language barrier, the students engaged deeply in the discussions. During worship and singing, everyone was fully immersed—praying, moved to tears, and experiencing God’s presence.

    May God bless these young people, rooting their lives in Christ so that they may become blessings to many.


    Cambodia STM Team

    第8日 - 11月30日 - 金邊



    夜晚我們參加了Baracha青年團契。當年村民們託陳好傳道將年輕人帶到城裏,但是城市的住宿花費大,他們無法承擔。於是便開始了這個Baracha宿舍事工,為經濟條件不好的大學生提供的住所,且只收取非常微薄的租金。他們當中有信徒也有非信徒。除了參加每週的團契,他們也會參與主日崇拜和每月一次在聖山的佈道事工。很多學生下課後還需要打工掙取家用,所以每週的團契都需要晚上九點才能開始。Peter 和 Charlotte 在這次聚會中帶查經,Bunny導師為他們翻譯。雖然跨語言,但學生們都認真參與在分享中。大家敬拜唱詩時非常投入,在歌聲中大家有禱告有感動有落淚。願神祝福這群年輕人,讓他們的生命在主內扎根,成為很多人的祝福。



  • Today, we visited the Choeung Ek Killing Fields. Now a peaceful memorial site, it holds a heavy and painful history. Through this visit, we gained a deeper understanding of the wounds of this nation and its people, as well as their longing for peace and hope. May the Lord’s love heal this land and bring true restoration and comfort.

    Over the past few days, Sister Bopha has been accompanying us, showing us around and teaching us Khmer. Although our pronunciation often goes hilariously wrong, it has brought so much laughter. These joyful moments have drawn us closer and made us feel the warmth of family in Christ.

    In the evening, we participated in the Alpha Children’s Ministry at the CMI office. This program takes place every Monday to Saturday, both morning and evening, using Chinese and English lessons, singing, dancing, and Bible storytelling to help children know Jesus. Tonight, Shirley taught the children a simple English Bible verse, which they picked up very quickly. Afterward, we sang, danced, and colored together, filling the room with pure laughter and joy.

    May the Lord use this ministry to help more children find hope in Christ and experience transformed lives.


    Cambodia STM Team

    第9日 - 11月30日 - 金邊


    這幾天,Bopha 姐妹一直陪伴著我們,帶我們到處走走,還教我們學柬文。雖然我們的發音時常出錯,令人啼笑皆非,但也因此充滿了歡樂。我們在笑聲中更加拉近了彼此的距離,也感受到主內家人的溫暖。

    傍晚,我們參與了 CMI辦公室的Alpha兒童事工。這項事工每週一到週六的早晚舉行,通過中文和英文教學、唱歌跳舞,以及聖經故事分享等活動幫助孩子們認識主耶穌。今晚,Shirley 教了孩子們一句簡單的英文經文,孩子們學得特別快。之後,我們與他們一起唱歌跳舞,還和他們一起填色,房間裡充滿了純真的笑聲與喜樂。求主使用這些事工,讓更多的孩子在基督裡找到盼望,生命得以翻轉。



  • Happy Sunday! It's another gorgeous day here at Phnom Penh. We left the city early with Barakah fellowship for a Christmas evangelical event at the STEP Center. Every Sunday Maria, Bopha, Prof. Arthur Jiang (U.S.), Missionary Jun Jie (Taiwan) along with local teacher Sergah, lead the children Sunday worship, and English and Mandarin classes. During the week, Sergah goes into the villages to tutor the children.

    We are happy to take part in the kickoff of Barakah's Christmas evangelical Program, running from now to the end of January. They will host events at STEP Center and the Holy Mountain Church, visiting schools and orphanages. In today's event, the students of Barakah put on a powerful and moving play about keep hold of the light of Jesus Christ will help us overcome all worldly temptations.

    After the evangelical event, we stayed at the STEP Center to shared lunch with the children, and helped to lead Mandarin and English classes. The children are eager to learn and write beautifully. Khmer is one of the hardest language to master. Its script is twice as long as Chinese and has many different forms. We ended the classes doing arts and crafts. As a bonus gift, Prof. Jiang have the children memorize a bible verse, Matthew 6:33. The prize is the beautiful 5 color bead keychains made by our sisters of TCBC. Prof. Jiang shared many of the village children will be sent away to work in the cities' factories by their parents around the age 15, and will not have a chance to go to church again. Bopha and Sergah has the vision to host weekly prayer meetings with these young people to help to sustain their spiritual growth. Please pray for the villages' young people and for this prayer meeting ministries to start smoothly.

    At night, we returned to Barakah for Sunday worship. We joined the worship singing with the students, shared our choosen hymn of this mission trip 「Here Am I, Send Me」 and Dc Philip shared a sermon on Ecclesiastes 3:1-16. It was wonderful of having the opportunity to worship with the young people of Cambodia.

    Praise the Lord for a wonderful and fulfilling day experiencing God’s amazing work.


    Cambodia short-term mission team

    第十天 - 12月1日 - 金邊









  • Today, we went to Preah Sihanouk with Pastor Chen Hao and Pastor Bunny to explore and experience a different coast town culture. This is the few relaxing time the pastors get to have away from their busy schedule. We enjoyed many local specialties and tropical fruits, feeling the abundance God has blessed Cambodia with. The sunset at the beach was breathtaking, with the sky painted in pink and red by the setting sun and golden rays shimmering on the calming ocean. It was impossible not to marvel at the wonder and beauty of God's creation.

    This rare opportunity also allowed us to get to know Pastor Bunny better and we get to hear more of her stories. She currently work alongside Pastor Chen Hao to lead the Bible study, discipleship building, and oversee the student dormitories of Barakah. Every week, she also serves at the Oasis Counseling Center and an orphanage, and in the evenings, she takes online Christian counseling courses from the United States. She has a special gift and a burden for bringing the gospel message to children and teens with psychological needs.

    Last year, Bunny officially adopted her 12-year-old nephew Joseph. Due to issues in his family, Joseph has endured and suffered much pain at a young age. Bunny saw his need and, despite being single and having a modest income, began caring for him when he was 8 years old. May the Lord provide strength for Bunny's life and ministry. Her prayer request is for the young people in Barakah's dormitory to grow and strengthen in faith, to share the gospel with their families, and that they may continue to follow Jesus even after leaving the dormitory.


    Cambodia Short-term Mission Team

    第11天 - 12月2日 - 金邊/西港


    這次難得有機會認識Bunny傳道多一點,也聽了她不少的分享。她現在主要和陳好傳道一起負責Barakah男女生宿舍輔導與他們同住,每星期也會去Oasis心理輔導中心和孤兒院輔導事奉,晚上還修讀美國的基督教輔導課程。她對輔導有心理需要的青少年兒童特別有恩賜,也很有負擔把福音的訊息帶給他們。另外在去年Bunny正式的領養了她12歲的侄子Joseph,因原生家庭的原因Joseph小小的年紀受到很多的傷害,Bunny看到他的需要,雖然還是單身而且收入不高,在Joseph 8歲的時候Bunny就開始帶著他在身邊生活。求主幫助Bunny的生活和侍奉都有力。她的代禱是讓Barakah青年宿舍裡面的年輕人更有信心把福音傳到家人,就算離開宿舍後也可以一直跟隨主耶穌。



  • Today is our last day in Cambodia. Before leaving, we had the opportunity to visit the center of Phnom Penh and the Cambodian Museum to experience the city’s culture and development.

    In the evening, we finally had a chance to meet with Missionaries Eric (Haibo) Huang and Ping Liu (from Canada Chinese Mission), who we met in Holy Mountain during our short-term mission trip in 2022. Eric help to teach English courses, while Ping look after the medical needs of the villagers. Along with Mr. Sing and Mrs. Ellen Sing we had a wonderful gathering.

    Following God's guidance, since December 2019, Eric and Ping have been serving long-term in Cambodia: first year was at the Grace Church (Chinese Mission) and then at Holy Mountain. They decided early on to commit to long-term missions and originally wanted to serve in Africa, but God did not open doors. Later, they thought there might be an opportunity to serve in Hainan, China, but unexpectedly, their church sent them to Cambodia and Thailand for short-term missions in 2018. During the trip, they visited Holy Mountain Church with Pastor Chen Hao and the students (where the church was just a tin shelter), they saw the needs and felt the calling and decided to stay. Their church, family, and three children have been very supportive of their decision.

    For the past year, Eric and his wife are faced with many health challenges. They had to leave the Holy Mountain and return to serve at a Chinese missionary education center in Chroy Changva, near Phnom Penh, while awaiting further medical examinations.

    We pray that the Lord will continue to protect Eric and Ping's health and allow them to return and serve in His ministry.


    Cambodian STM Team

    第12日 - 12月3日 - 金邊



    跟隨神的代領,在2018年短暫宣時就約定來柬埔寨。 2019年12月起就長期在柬埔寨:在恩典堂(華傳)1年,然後就去了聖山。 他們很早就決定要長宣,一開始想去非洲宣教,可是神一直沒有開路,後來以為有機會去中國海南宣教,沒想到教會差派了他們去柬埔寨和泰國短宣。 當時他們誰也不認識。 後來神帶領他們來到柬埔寨,看到這邊事工的需要,正好那次陳好帶學生去聖山教會(當時只有一個鐵皮棚),在那裡他們真正看到需要,就選擇留下來了。 教會、家庭、我們的孩子都非常支持我們。

    過去一年多海波夫婦都遇到很多健康的困擾,不得不從聖山回到金邊旁邊的Chroy Changva一個華傳教育中心服事,等待進一步醫生檢查。 求主繼續保守海波夫婦的身體,也讓他們可以早日回來開始新的事工。



  • The team is leaving Cambodia this morning. Our co-workers saw us off, although it was only two weeks, the days of living and serving together have brought us closer. We will continue to keep in touch and remember each other in prayer, and we hope to see each other again soon.

    While waiting for the flight, we were pleasantly surprised to receive a video shared by our co-workers at Holy Mountain. We previously sponsored a village to build a road leading to Holy Mountain Church, and the project has already begun. May God continue to open roads in this land and bless more people to walk on His way of life.

    The Pastor Jian also sent us a message. The wife of the village chief was sick and got worsened. Pastor Jian laid hands on her and prayed for her. She had improved a lot after going to the hospital the next day. Her children were amazed at her recovery and said they would come to church together after their mother recovered. Let us remember them in prayers too.

    Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and God's protection. All the STM members have been healthy in this trip. We hope to share more of what we saw and heard during this journey with you when returned. God's work and guidance in Cambodia is so real, not only in the development of local ministries, but also in the lives of every co-worker. Their enthusiasm and faith inspired us and made us pray more urgently for this land and their ministries. No matter how different the language and culture are, Christ's love can connect us closely and unite us in His own kingdom. May all glory belong to God!


    Cambodia STM Team

    第13日 - 12月4日 - 金邊/多倫多







  • Our team got the opportunity to serve at the Iglesia Evangélica China's Senior Fellowship by doing exercises together, checking blood pressure and sharing testimonials. There's a growing need to care for Chinese seniors in Panama and programs like these keep them socially and physically active. A lot of them are not believers yet and continue to worship Chinese idols. This is an opportunity to share the gospel with them and show them the Only One who protected them through all these turbulent years in Panama. It was especially moving for Hong and I because we realized that a lot of them knew us and saw us grow up. We had a lot of relatable memories and experiences that bind us. Please continue to pray for these seniors' health and salvation。

  • Due to our location and the road's conditions, the bigger bus from the church coming from Panama city could not pick us up. It was a true miracle that the community's pastor were able to find us transportation to reach the community of Oajaca, where we will be serving. Also thanks to that, we were able to arrive much earlier than the big bus and spend time with the community building relationships. Also, praise the Lord thay everything went smoothly as we were testing out a new protocol due to the new set up, venue and layout.

    The church is located in a beautiful landscape surrounded by hills. They even built a covered porch right before we came to facilitate space for the different programming. Our kids were extremely helpful in the health component, but also by mingling and playing with the local kids. At the end of the health day, everyone including kids stayed in the church to hear the message that local and guest pastors shared. In overall,it was a successful day and we are very thankful that God came through despite moments that we felt trapped and worried.

  • Today everything went really smoothly at the Health event as we learned from our experiences yesterday. But today we felt that we were continuously attacked by the evil one as we try to do more for God. During the evangelical event, a torrential rain poured on for hours, which has never happened during Panama's summer season. Despite the rain, families still came out and worshipped with us. Praised the Lord for that, we just needed to sing louder! Some of us got also injured, small things but real worries, such as bitten by a dog or being cut by a rusty iron stick. Those are all interruptions and distractions that aims to make us consider to stop for other things that are for sure priorities, which is our safety. But by God's protection, there were no further symptoms. Please pray that we can continue to carry out our third and last health day tomorrow and for our safety throughout the day.

  • The sun is shining again despite the morning rain. The last community that we served seems to be more well off than the previous two. But with more possessions come more temptations. The local pastor shared that there is a spiritual warfare in this community. Physically, they seemed less eager to seek health services as well, despite being the community where we saw much more people with high blood pressure. Please continue to pray for their spiritual and physical health.

    We wrapped up our Health Promotion event in the mountains and started our journey back to the city. We shared among us, different churches and in different languages, our gratitude for this experience of togetherness and how God helped us to complete our work. In these 3 days, despite unavoidable friction and misunderstandings, we were truly One Church, One Body and One Spirit for our One God.

Mission Partners

  • David Burke - TMU student ministry - Lifeline

    Graham and Jenn Watt - Guelph student ministry - P2C

    Tim and Regina Wang - Japanese international student ministry - SIM

    Martin Tam - Campus Ministry - AFC

    Leona Gowanlock - administration - OMF

  • Pius and Eliza Hau - Panama

  • Lewis and Felain Lam - Chinese student ministry in Germany

  • Ian Perry - P2C

    Joy and Grace Wang - CEF Canada

    Lulu Ling - Thailand - OMF

    Lily Wang - Phillipines - TeachBeyond

    Evangeline and Dennis Chow - Philippines - Outreach Canada Ministries

  • Jesse and Priscilla Wong - Kigali, Rwanda - Commission to Every Nation

Resources | 資源

Langham Partnership exists to see churches in the Majority World equipped for mission and growing to maturity in Christ through the ministry of pastors and leaders who believe, teach and live by the Word of God. Again this year, Langham International has prepared a book of Advent readings, each one written by a Langham Scholar or worker ministering in the Majority World. I trust this year's book will help deepen our awe and gratitude for the miracle of Christmas.  

We are making it available in e-format so that you can make this available to members of your missions committee and church leadership. 

Langham Partnership致力於協助發展中國家的教會得到裝備,能夠在使命和在基督裡的成長上越發成熟。參與事工的傳道人和領袖相信、教導、並且活出神的話語。今年,Langham International再次為將臨期編寫了一本靈修材料,每一篇都是由一位在發展中國家事奉的學者或同工撰寫。我相信今年的這本書將有助於加深我們對聖誕這一神蹟的敬畏和感恩。



  • To provide the Church with updated information on local and global missions/mission fields

  • To liaise with the supporting missionaries and mission organizations

  • To promote and facilitate participation in mission work

  • To support theological and missional training, and

  • To administer the Mission Fund.

Scope of Mission Department

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