Offering Instructions | 奉獻須知

Donations to the church can be made in the following ways:

  1. Online E-transfer. Security answer is not required.

    To ensure donation receipts can be issued at year-end, first time donor must email his/her full name, email address, and mailing address to

    In the E-transfer memo include:

    • Donor offering number (for first time donor, please enter your full name instead)

    • Donation breakdown: General/ Mission/ Renovation/ Thanksgiving/ Church Expansion*

  2. Mail a cheque payable to “Toronto Chinese Baptist Church”.

    • Include your offering number (for first time donor, please put down “new”)

    • Donation breakdown: General/ Mission/ Renovation/ Thanksgiving/ Church Expansion*

  3. To make donation with a credit card. Please email for details .

*Offering will be considered as donation to the “General Fund” unless specific fund allocation is noted. For Mission Sunday special donation, please note the specific fund allocation as “Mission”.

主日奉獻,可使用以下方式 :

  1. E-transfer電子轉帳至,不需提供轉賬密碼代號。



    奉獻編號 (首次奉獻請填上: 姓名)

    奉獻金額用途: 常費/差傳/修葺/感恩/建堂*

  2. 郵寄支票到教會,抬頭寫“Toronto Chinese Baptist Church”。

    奉獻編號 (首次奉獻請填上: 新)

    奉獻金額用途: 常費/差傳/修葺/感恩/建堂*

  3. 信用咭奉獻,請電郵至多浸財務部
